Coffee Mornings: 1st Thursday of the month, 10am in the church, home made cakes for sale, prize draw & bring and buy stall.
Ladies Group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month, 2.30pm in the Church Room, social with board and card games, refreshments and bring and buy stall.
Knit and Natter For anyone who likes knitting or nattering! Meets 4th Thursday of the month 2pm-3.30pm in church room. For more details contact Barbara 415896
Scrabble Club every Wednesday 2.30 in the Church Room
Men’s Group meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Airfield Tavern 7pm and the 4th Friday 10-12 at St James’

On Facebook
Abbey Manor Community a place to discuss issues, events, anything else going on that affects the area.
St James Church Facebook page