An ancient saint once wrote ‘God you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you’. We believe that each of us is uniquely created and loved by God, and that it’s through knowing God that we find the greatest meaning and fulfilment in life.
The Bible says that ‘God is love’, (though at times the church hasn’t reflected this). That love was shown most fully when God became one of us, a man, Jesus. Jesus shows us what God is like, and offers us the chance to reconnect with God, to be forgiven, and to discover the unique gifts and vocation God has given us in this life.
A Christian isn’t ‘a good person’, or someone who goes to church. A Christian is someone who knows, loves and follows Jesus. We don’t get it right all the time, but believe that God, by his Holy Spirit, changes us to become more like Jesus as we open ourselves to Him.
We also don’t have all the answers; we wrestle with difficult questions about faith, love, suffering and death. But we also believe that to be a Christian is to be part of a community, the church, so that none of us has to struggle on our own, and everyone has a part to play.
If you have questions about faith, life, prayer and God, our clergy are always willing to chat, please contact us and Rev David will be happy to meet up.