Welcome to St James’

Welcome to the website of St James’ Church, Yeovil. We’re a relaxed, friendly church for all ages in the North West of Yeovil. We believe in helping people to encounter God, to live out their Christian faith in daily life, and to serve and bless our community.

Regular Sunday worship is at 10.30 am, with services live streamed our YouTube Channel .* The building is  open 10am-4pm Monday-Saturday for prayer and reflection, with a a collection point for the Lords Larder foodbank. A simple communion service for 30m is held on Wednesdays at 12 pm.**  

*with the exception of our All-Age Service on the third Sunday of the month **1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays at St James’, 2nd & 4th at St Peter’s

The Parish Office (located at St James’ Church) is open 8.30-4.30 Tuesdays & Thursdays in termtime. Office hours in school holidays may vary – see latest notice sheet.

On Sunday 19th January, the Bishop of Bath & Wells joined us for our All-Age Service. He returned on 30th January and visited several parts of the parish – see latest news for more details…

Worship and Prayer
Sundays 10.30am Morning Worship, with creche area, live streamed most Sundays
Sundays 4pm St James@4:
1st (& 5th) Sunday of the month Evening Worship, 2nd Evening Prayer, 3rd Holy Communion 4th Songs of Praise
Sundays 6.30pm Arise (4th Sunday of the month) informal service of contemporary worship
Tuesdays 4pm Intercessory Prayer
Mon-Sat 10-4 p.m. St James’ Church open for private prayer
Wednesdays 12 noon Midweek Communion 1st 3rd & 5th Weds, Midweek Prayer 2nd & 4th Weds
Social Groups
Wednesdays 9.30-11 Abbey Toddlers group for 0-4s and their parents and carers at Abbey Community Centre (term-time only)
Wednesdays 2.30pm Scrabble Club
Thursdays 10-11.30 Tots & Toys group for 0-2s and their parents and carers at St James’ (term-time only)
Coffee Morning First Tuesday of the month 10-11am 
Ladies Group Third Thursday of the month 2-4pm
Knit and Natter Fourth Thursday of the month 2.30-4pm 
Sundays (term time) 6.30-8 LIFT youth group for age 11+ . NOW AT ST PETER’S
Cell Groups meet weekly around the parish to explore the Bible, pray, eat, laugh and support each other in living out our Christian faith. Please contact us or speak to the clergy if you’d like to know more.

Our sister church St. Peter’s serves the Westfield area of Yeovil.

We hope you enjoy browsing this site and find what you’re looking for. Please use the ‘contacts’ links if you want to know any more. You can also find us on Facebook. Or come along to one of our services, we’d love to see you!   

Find us on YouTube

St James’ Church, Preston Road, Yeovil BA20 2EZ Registered Charity number 1158827

01935 414097 office@stjamesandstpeters.org.uk

To contact us or for directions, please go here.

Details of regular services, and when and where to find us, are here.